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Mitcheldean Endowed Primary School

Achieve, Believe, Contribute

Religious Education


As religious learners, we understand, compare and appreciate different faiths.

At Mitcheldean Endowed Primary, it is our intent for the Religious Education element of our school curriculum to engage, inspire, challenge and encourage pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to answer challenging questions, explore different religious beliefs, values and traditions and develop a more rigorous understanding of the numerous religious traditions, beliefs and practices of the diverse world religions. We believe that it is vital for all our pupils to learn from and about religion, so that they can understand the world around them. We encourage our pupils to ask questions about the world and to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences. Our Religious Education curriculum is enhanced further with trips to places of worship in our local area.

We use the agreed Gloucestershire Religious Education syllabus as the basis for our curriculum.



National curriculum RE programme of study - key stage 1 and 2

Curriculum Coverage RE

RE Progression Document