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Mitcheldean Endowed Primary School

Achieve, Believe, Contribute


At Mitcheldean Endowed Primary School we believe reading is key for personal fulfilment and academic success. To achieve this, phonics is emphasised in the early teaching of reading via our synthetic based phonics programme ‘Read Write Inc.’ (RWI).

This involves children learning to recognise sounds and blend them together to read words. Children are taught in small groups which reflect their phonic knowledge and reading fluency. We regularly assess children so that they are taught in a RWI group which matches their phonic knowledge

Documents for parents

Letter and Sound Rhymes

Red Words by colour band

Sounds Chart

Set 1 Parent Guidance

Set 2 and 3 Parent Guidance

Parent FAQs

Fred games to support blending

Videos for parents

What is Phonics? 

How to say the sounds 

How to blend sounds together

Reading Set 3 sounds and words

Spelling Set 3 words 

Y1 Phonics Screening Check