Peer Mentors
Who better to understand school life and help our children, than our children?
We have a group of children who support children across our school with all aspects of school life from playtimes and lunch to supporting in Worship. Our peer mentors were elected to this role because of their kindness and compassion towards others.
What motivated our Peer Mentors to take on this role?
Ever since I was younger, I knew I wanted to help people, especially new people to our school. I've always tried my hardest to be nice to everyone in this school so I thought I would be really good for this role of responsibility. I hope that I can help Reception children and anyone new to our school, to feel happy, safe and confident. Freya
I want to make people happy when they are sad and help look after the little ones. I hope to help others and make new friends as a Peer Mentor. Jessica
I wanted this role because if anyone is sad or wants to play a game, I can play with them and cheer them up. I hope to help others feel happy and make new friends. Katie
I wanted to be a peer mentor because I wanted to help others. I hope to make our school a better place where people have a fun time! Kyle
As a peer mentor, I will look after children and if anyone gets hurt I will help them and take the to an adult. I hope that by being a Peer Mentor, I will be able to achieve a greater sense of responsibility for the future. Archie.