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Mitcheldean Endowed Primary School

Achieve, Believe, Contribute

Parental Support With Topical Events

As parents we often question how we can support our children to understand events that happen and our shared through news and social media.  We can worry about how to introduce topics to children and how to answer many of the questions that children raise.  

It is really important that our children know that they can talk to adults whether parents or teachers and they will be heard. 

We wanted to share resources with you that can help with these conversations. 

Black Lives Matter

Peaceful protests, mass marches, and portrayals of violence. Petitions, political speeches, and demonstrations. Recently we have seen movements advocating for an end to racial inequality on a mass scale. Yet, current affairs aren’t always tangible or immediately clear, especially from a child’s perspective.  It is  our responsibility to engage in positive and open discussions about race and racism with our children at home and in school. 

A Parent's Guide To Black Lives Matter

 Ukraine and Russia 

With news of the war in Ukraine dominating headlines, social media platforms and conversations across the country, many children in early learning and care and school age childcare settings will have been exposed to information about the conflict.

Children do not always talk about what is worrying them but they may be trying to make sense of this information by themselves and, in the absence of factual information, imagining situations to be far worse than they are. Every child is different, however, and while some might be feeling scared, others may not be worried at all.

We know that children and young people may be worried or upset when hearing the news about Russia invading Ukraine so we have created a list of resources and organisations that can help.  

Barnados: Talking to Children About War

Childline: Worrying About Russia and Ukraine

Newsround: War in Ukraine

Parentzone: Helping Your Child Cope With Media Coverage of Traumatic Events

Education Hub: Help for families to talk to pupils about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and how to help them avoid misinformation.

Reliefweb: 5 Ways to Talk to Children About Conflict