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Mitcheldean Endowed Primary School

Achieve, Believe, Contribute

Online Learning Resources

Times Table RockStars


Here at Mitcheldean Endowed Primary School, we love maths. It’s a fantastic subject to learn and to teach which is why we introduced TT Rockstars to help children improve their times tables both at home and in school.

Maths is a big subject and we appreciate that there’s more to it than times tables and there’s more to times tables than learning them off by heart. However, a lot of the rich, interesting maths is all about the multiplicative relationships and these are hard to fully grasp without fluent recall of the tables. For that reason, learning the tables is fundamental – they are a key facilitator to the maths that sits on top. We’ve always believed that.

When it comes to times tables, speed AND accuracy are important – the more facts your child remembers, the easier it is for them to do harder calculations. Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help students master the times tables and help them reach the goal of being able to answer any times table (up to 12 x 12) in under 3 seconds.

World famous rock musicians are the best at what they do, because they've spent hours practising guitar chords, writing music or playing on the drums. It's just the same with times tables – all Times Table Rock Stars need to practise and practise and practise. It's absolutely essential that your child does a little practice every day. In our experience, short bursts of practise on a daily basis are more effective than spending hours once a week.


This is where parents and carers are vital. For your child to be fully motivated and for them to get the best out of the practice, they need our help - our praise, reminders and support will help your child to feel confident and motivated. Over the course of the months and years, your child will increase their speed and accuracy, becoming faster and more accurate with the times tables. All your hard work and theirs will make them a Times Table Rock Star!

The children can access TT Rockstars easily online; we have included a guide below that explains TTRS in more detail.   We appreciate your support with helping your child improve their times tables.

You can either download the free TTRS app or visit to play.

Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher if…

  • You have username or password issues
  • Something isn’t working or you’re not sure how it works
  • You have a suggestion
  • You have something nice to say about!




Times Table Rockstars - Frequently Asked Questions

Times Table Rockstars - GDPR Statement




Numbots is an online resource that we, as a school, subscribe to.   It is part of TimesTable RockStars, but aimed at our younger children.  It supports children in their foundation mathematical skills, including number bonds and addition & subtraction.

All children in Reception and Year 1 are encouraged to use it on a regular basis. Children in Year 2 and above may also use it if appropriate.
There are two modes:
  1. Story Mode – the emphasis is on learning the ideas and concepts behind addition and subtraction so it features more diagrams, shapes and question styles.

  2. Challenge Mode – the emphasis is more on speed of recall of key facts, like number bonds to 10, doubling small numbers or adding & taking away in your head.

All children should have their login details but please speak to the class teacher if you have any questions.

You can either download the free Numbots app or visit to play.

Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher if…

  • You have username or password issues
  • Something isn’t working or you’re not sure how it works
  • You have a suggestion
  • You have something nice to say about!
Please use the links below for further information.



Numbots: A Parents Guide

Numbots: Maths Help Guide