During school closures we have set work for the children to access at home.
All children will have left school on Friday 20th March 2020 with a learning journal that contains passwords, spelling grids and writing expectations for their year group.
Please find attached phonics work for Reception Class Set 2 Phonics Work
There are so many super websites available at the moment. Please find below a selection of links that we would recommend.
Unique Classrooms provides you with three daily activities including English and Maths as well as a creative activity. It can be accessed across a range of age ranges.
P.E with Joe - Monday to Friday live at 9am Joe Wicks is broadcasting P.E sessions for children to carry out in their homes. These can be watched live or later on at your convenience. A super way to start each day.
White Rose Maths- The White Rose Maths Team has prepared a series of five maths lessons for each year group from Year 1-8. They will be adding five more each week for the next few weeks. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child to complete the activity successfully.
Google Earth - When we can't get out and about, let the children the world digitally. Explore the planet without going anywhere. Take your children on virtual tours around the world. Allow them to explore landmarks and places of interest. Many iconic buildings even allow you to 'go inside'.
Hamilton Trust- This website has provided free English and Maths packs including short video tutorials for each year group.
Read Write INC: To access a live online lesson each school day click on the link above,
Set 1 9;30 am, Set 2 10:00 am and Set 3 10:30 am.
These will be fantastic for Year One and Reception and a super reminder for Year Two children.
Phonic Comics - If you are looking for another reading site, these comics are great fun and all decodable as based around phonic sounds.
Phonics Play - The children access this site in school and it will help them to learn and recap phonic sounds. There is a free log in which is detailed on the page connected to this l;ink.
David Walliams 11 o'clock story
David Walliams Elevenses - If you need a break in the day, why not stop and listen to David Walliams read a short story from his book The Worlds Worst Children 2!
Prostars Online Resource Planner
Our Prostars Super stars have provided this activity book to give you ideas to keep you active!
Integra Home Learning Packs- This is a wide collection of activities that are grouped by subject and year group to support learning at home.
Thinkuknow - When the children are being encouraged to use the internet to help them with their leaning it is important to remind the children of the importance of staying safe online. This website provides 15 minutes activities to help the children with their online safety.
Literacy Shed Reading and Writing prompts
Literacy Shed + - There are a range of writing activities based around a visual image or video clip and a selection of reading comprehension activities for each year group from Year 1 to Year 6 to support learning at home.
To access letter join you will need the following: