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Mitcheldean Endowed Primary School

Achieve, Believe, Contribute

House Captains

Our school has four houses which are connected to our local area.









The role of House Captain is an important role that connects all members of our school within their house. 

House Captains


What motivated our House Captains to take on their role?


I am Vice House Captain, I want to give lots of support to the House Captains and encourage every house to do their very best. 


 Abenhall House Captains

I wanted to be House Captain because I feel like a good leader.  I like to support my team through thick and thin and I would like to represent my school.   I want Abenhall to have so much fun that everyone wishes they were in our house! 


I applied for a role of responsibility because I wanted to represent the school and help make it even better.  I believe being House Captain will help to improve my confidence as well.  I want to help every child in Abenhall achieve all of their goals and help them to be the best that they can be.  I'm really excited to be one of the House Captains. 


Carisbrook House Captains 

Being a House Captain, will help me to grow in confidence and public speaking.  It will also give me responsibility to make sure I carry out my duties.  I would like Carisbrook to do well both in classrooms and sports.  I will always do my best for Carisbrook. 


As a House Captain, I hope that I will be able to ensure that everyone has fun when they are taking part in house events.  I think that it is important that everyone knows that you do not have to win to have a fun time!  I believe being a House Captain will help me to be more confident and enable me to talk confidently in front of others. 


Edgehills House Captains 

I am proud to be a House Captain because I can represent the school and show that I am responsible.  I hope I can be  good House Captain and I hope Edgehills will do their best every week. 


I wanted this role because I love sports! So, I wanted to represent our school through sports.  I am proud to be a House Captain and look forward to collecting house points and attendance figures across the classes.  Josh and I will always encourage Edgehills to keep going at all times.  I want to be the best I can be and be a great House Captain. 


Wigpool House Captains

I wanted the role of House Captain so that I can help and encourage everyone in our school to do their best, try hard and have fun doing so.  I hope that my fellow House Captains and children in school, can come to me for help at any time.  I want to help everyone get the best opportunities in everything. 


I applied for this role as I felt I would suit the role and was excited by having more responsibility in school.  I also wanted this role because being a House captain sounded like so much fun - and it is!  I hope to take on more responsibility and achieve greater control over my emotions whilst I am House Captain. 
