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Mitcheldean Endowed Primary School

Achieve, Believe, Contribute


Our reading curriculum

As readers, we escape to new worlds , explore fresh ideas and share books for enjoyment.

It is our intent at Mitcheldean Endowed Primary School to encourage a lifelong love of reading by creating a rich and distinctive reading culture which promotes reading for pleasure. We value reading as a key life skill and are dedicated to ensuring our pupils are able to read fluently, confidently and expressively.

Pupils are encouraged to read widely across both fiction and non-fiction, thereby developing children’s knowledge across the curriculum and their appreciation for a range of text types.

We believe reading is key for personal fulfilment and academic success. To achieve this, phonics is emphasised in the early teaching of reading via our synthetic based phonics programme ‘Read Write Inc.’

Guided Reading sessions further serve to reinforce children’s reading fluency and comprehension skills via meaningful text based discussions.

Our reading ethos therefore enables children by the end of their primary education to read confidently, fluently and enthusiastically, equipped with a valuable, life long past time – reading for pleasure.


OUr writing curriculum

As writers, we explore different types of writing styles, innovate and develop our own creative ideas.

 Whole School skills Progression in Grammar and Punctuation

Whole School Sentence Progression

Year 1 English Medium Term Plan

Year 2 English Medium Term Plan

Year 3 English Medium Term Plan

Year 4 English Medium Term Plan

Year 5 English Medium Term Plan

Year 6 English Medium Term Plan

National curriculum English programme of study key stage 1 and 2