Year Five
Welcome to Year Five! In Year Five we have 30 curious and caring children who love to be inquisitive and learn something new everyday! In year Five we explore three exciting topics through the year in a range of ways for all learners to access. Please use the links below to find out more...
Check out our Photo galleries to see what is happening in our classroom!
Curriculum overviews
PSHE focus for each term
Autumn Term 1- Five Ways to Wellbeing, New Beginnings and Healthy minds/healthy bodies.
Autumn Term 2- Getting on and falling out/Friendship ( Forest schools), Friendship Focus Week and Healthy Eating.
Spring Term 1- Keeping myself safe and Internet Safety. Caring and responsibilities
Spring Term 2- Valuing difference/ Similarities and differences.
Summer Term 1- Growing and changing/ Families and committed relationships.
Summer Term 2- Rights and responsibilities/ Coping with change