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Mitcheldean Endowed Primary School

Achieve, Believe, Contribute


At Mitcheldean Endowed Primary School, we recognise that positive behaviour and good attendance are central to raising standards and pupil attainment. For our children to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they attend regularly and be at school, on time, every day the school is open unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.

We know that good attendance is the key to successful schooling therefore through the school year we monitor absences and punctuality to show us where improvements need to be made. We will then work alongside parents to celebrate good attendance whilst also supporting and seeking to improve attendance and punctuality.

Our expectations for attendance are: 

  • We strive for 100% attendance from all pupils.
  • All pupils are required to be punctual.
  • The school day starts at 8.40am and Registers are marked by 9.00am

If you are experiencing any difficulties or challenges with regards to attendance or arriving promptly to school, please do contact school. 

Kathy Histed: Pastoral Lead or Kathryn Oshun: Headteacher will be able to offer help and support. 



Key Documents

DfE statutory attendance guidance

MEPS Attendance Policy

GCC Supporting Attendance Leaflet for Parents and Carers

Importance Of Arriving On Time

Impact of Absence Over Time